
Down to Business: Dealing with flight cancellations

Utilize air travel enough and eventually you will be faced with the dreaded flight cancellation. “Your flight is cancelled” are words that strike fear into the heart of even the toughest executive. Over the years I have seen all types

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Down to Business: Seven benefits of using a check list

Many of us have repetitive tasks to complete. Often we find that if we don’t have any guidance, we may forget certain steps in a process. Sometimes, even with simple steps involved, we can get distracted and forget one or

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Posted in Time Management

Down to Business: Boost your trade show booth traffic

Trade shows can be a great networking opportunity. By attending the right trade shows you can meet with existing customers and new customers, check out the competition, mingle with media and catch up with old friends. I was at a

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Down to Business: The power of time management

One of the most valuable resources managers, executives or anyone else has is time. No matter how much capital, inventory, tooling, real estate or other resources you may have, you can not purchase or create more time, but you can

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Posted in Time Management

Down to Business: Getting in the zone

Many of us have heard the term “getting in the zone.” Getting in the zone is not just important for athletes; it’s just as important for business leaders and managers. We realize that our performance and productivity is greatly enhanced

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Posted in Time Management

Down to Business: Expand your business with the 80/20 rule

The 80-20 rule, or sometimes called Pareto’s Principle, is not just a tool for statistical analysis. It can be an extremely useful tool to help guide and focus your efforts during the day and help expand your business. Let’s take

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Posted in Time Management

Down to Business: Seven secrets to energized customer service

Excellence in customer service is a key attribute of many dominant brands. Consistently providing customers with a superior customer service experience requires an energized, motivated and knowledgeable customer service team. The key to providing an exceptional customer service experience is

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Posted in Customer Service

Down to Business: Seven tips for effective performance reviews

Performance reviews are one of the most effective tools a manager has for motivating employees, aligning goals and achieving peak performance. Sadly, many companies do not conduct perform reviews effectively and in some cases they don’t conduct them at all.

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Posted in Leadership

Down to Business: Seven tips for successful distribution partnerships

In many industries distributors can be a key aspect of your channel to market. However, signing up a distributor does not mean sales will just happen. It takes work by your company to maximize the partnership and associated financial rewards.

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Seven Secrets to Operational Excellence

Operational excellence is a long term change in organizational culture that focuses on principles, systems and tools to assure key metric improvement and a sustainable competitive advantage. Operational excellence can effect large differences in the performance of two otherwise similar

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